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Throat Symptoms

Otolaryngologists, also known as ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctors, can provide treatment for a variety of throat symptoms. Some common throat symptoms that an otolaryngologist may address include:

  1. Sore throat: A sore throat can be caused by a variety of factors, including infections, allergies, acid reflux, and voice strain. An otolaryngologist can perform a physical exam and recommend appropriate treatment, such as antibiotics or voice rest.
  2. Hoarseness: Hoarseness is a change in the voice that can be caused by multiple factors, including infections, allergies, acid reflux, voice overuse or misuse, and neurological conditions. An otolaryngologist can perform a physical exam and recommend appropriate treatment, such as voice therapy or medication.
  3. Swallowing difficulties: Swallowing difficulties can be caused by a variety of factors, including neurological conditions, anatomical abnormalities, acid reflux, and tumors. An otolaryngologist can perform a physical exam and recommend appropriate treatment, such as medication, therapy, or surgery.
  4. Chronic cough: A chronic cough can be caused by infections, allergies, acid reflux, lung conditions, etc. An otolaryngologist can perform a physical exam and recommend appropriate treatment, such as medication or surgery.

It's important to consult with an otolaryngologist to determine the underlying cause of your throat symptoms and receive appropriate treatment.

If you suffer from ongoing throat symptoms, call Dr. Lapco, ENT, or book an appointment online today.

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